
Freedom Front Plus (VF+) Manifesto

FF Plus Manifesto - 2024

Historical Performance


Key Points

  • Promotion Of Multi-party Governance
  • Free-market System
  • Small Government
  • Local Governance Restoration
  • Community-based Development
  • And Non-discriminatory Legislation.

Land Reform Policies

  • Opposition To Land Expropriation Without Compensation; Support For Sustainable Land Use And Agricultural Development.

Implementation Policies

  • Detailed Plans For Governance Reform
  • Economic Revitalization
  • Education Overhaul
  • Healthcare Improvements
  • Safety And Crime Reduction
  • And Environmental Sustainability.

BEE Policy Position

  • Opposition To Bee And Aa; Promotion Of Equal Opportunities.

Crime Safety Initiatives

  • Strengthening Police Service
  • Specialized Units For Violent Crime And Illegal Firearms
  • Rural Safety Plan
  • And Farm Attack Prioritization.

Education Reform Strategies

  • Mother-tongue Education Support
  • Improvement Of Educational Standards
  • And Enabling Community Schools.

Healthcare Policy

  • The Ff Plus Healthcare Policy Opposes The Nhi
  • Calling For Immediate Termination Of Its Planned Implementation. It Emphasizes Upgrading Public Healthcare Infrastructure
  • Appointing Experienced Managers And Experts To Run Healthcare Facilities
  • Focusing On Preventive Primary Healthcare
  • And Establishing Partnerships Between Private And Public Medical Service Providers. The Party Also Advocates For Reducing The Over-regulation Of The Medical Aid Industry To Improve Healthcare Access And Quality.

Infrastructure Development

  • Upgrade And Maintain Infrastructure
  • Including Water And Sewage Systems.

Regional Focus

  • The Ff Plus Emphasizes Regional Development Through Renewable Energy Initiatives In The Northern And Western Cape
  • The Development Of Independent Local Economies
  • And The Establishment Of Special Economic Zones. The Manifesto Advocates For Sustainable Development
  • Environmental Management
  • And Localized Governance To Ensure Effective Service Delivery And Decision-making At The Community Level. This Regional Focus Aims At Leveraging Local Resources And Governance Structures To Foster Economic Growth
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • And Enhanced Service Delivery Across Different Regions.

Energy Policy

  • Transition To Renewable Energy Sources
  • De-regulation Of The Electricity Sector
  • And Emphasis On Sustainable Supply.

Environmental Stances

  • Emphasis On Environmental Sustainability
  • Pollution Control
  • Water Management
  • And Responsible Resource Utilization.

Foreign Policy Views

  • The Ff Plus Foreign Policy Emphasizes Human Rights
  • Prioritizes Africa's Role In South Africas Foreign Relation's
  • Seeks Mutual Respect In International Relations
  • And Supports Forming New Trade Alliances Without Harming Existing Ones. The Party Advocates For A Two-state Solution For Israel And Palestine
  • Underscoring The Importance Of Self-determination. This Approach Aims To Ensure That South Africa's Foreign Policy Supports Democratic Rights
  • Fosters Stable And Beneficial Trade Relations
  • And Promotes Peace And Stability Both Regionally And Globally.

Social Welfare Programs

  • The Ff Plus Advocates For Social Welfare Programs Aimed At Reducing Dependence On Social Grants By Fostering Economic Conditions Conducive To Financial Independence. The Party Promotes Community-based Social Services As A Crucial Strategy For Poverty Alleviation And Insists On Adequate Funding For Non-profit Organizations Catering To Vulnerable Populations. It Also Emphasizes Empowerment Initiatives For Individuals With Disabilities
  • Advocating For Improved Education And Communication Access
  • And The Formal Recognition And Implementation Of Sasl.

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • The Ff Plus Advocates For Youth Empowerment Through Education And Training That Prepare Young People For The Workforce And Entrepreneurship. The Party Calls For Policy Reforms To Facilitate Job Creation
  • Offering Merit-based Bursaries With A Counter-performance Requirement To Foster A Sense Of Responsibility Among The Youth. The Emphasis On Entrepreneurship Aims To Encourage Young People To Become Economic Drivers
  • Supporting A Transition From Dependency On Social Grants To Active Participation In Economic Growth.

Cultural Heritage Preservation

  • Promotion Of Cultural Heritage And Rights
  • Including Language Rights.

Public Transportation Policies

  • The Ff Plus Focuses On Public Transportation Policies That Prioritize Infrastructure Development
  • Including The Construction And Maintenance Of Roads
  • Bridges
  • And Public Transport Systems. The Party Proposes Decreasing The Fuel Levy And Dedicating Its Use Exclusively To Transport Infrastructure Development
  • Aiming To Improve Public Transportation Services And Support Economic Growth By Fostering Conditions Conducive To Financial Independence.

FF PLUS Fight Back Manifesto 2019 - 2019

Historical Performance

Criticism of ANCs 25-year governance

Economic Policies
Land Reform

Key Points

  • Opposition To Current Government Policies
  • Advocacy For Free-market Principles
  • Christian Values
  • Smaller Government
  • And Economic Growth. Critique Of Racial Quotas And Land Expropriation Without Compensation.

Land Reform Policies

  • Opposes Expropriation Without Compensation
  • Supports Willing Buyer
  • Willing Seller Model

Implementation Policies

  • Broad Plan Includes Establishing Community Councils
  • Smaller Local Government
  • More Provincial Autonomy
  • Cutting State Expenditure
  • Privatizing State Entities
  • Stimulating Economic Growth
  • Tax Relief
  • Fiscal Commission
  • Independent Local Economies
  • Special Economic Zones
  • Addressing Criminal Justice System Shortcomings
  • Amending Labor Legislation For Job Creation
  • And Creating Favorable Conditions For Private Sector Job Creation.

BEE Policy Position

  • Opposes Bee Policies
  • Advocates For Non-racial
  • Socio-economic Based Empowerment

Crime Safety Initiatives

  • Proposes Better Policing
  • More Resources For Crime Prevention
  • Supports Firearm Ownership For Self-defense

Education Reform Strategies

  • Advocates For Mother-tongue Education
  • Improved Teacher Work Ethics
  • Parent-driven School Systems

Healthcare Policy

  • Promotes Public-private Sector Cooperation And Better Management In Public Healthcare

Infrastructure Development

  • Emphasizes Need For Improved Infrastructure And Maintenance

Regional Focus

  • Advocates For Local Government Autonomy And Federalism

Energy Policy

  • Suggests Shift Towards Renewable Energy Sources

Environmental Stances

  • Focus On Sustainable Development And Environmental Protection

Foreign Policy Views

  • Calls For Mutually Respectful Foreign Relations
  • Criticizes Current Government Foreign Policy

Social Welfare Programs

  • Criticizes Dependence On Social Grants
  • Promotes Socio-economic Based Empowerment

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • Addresses Youth Unemployment Through Education Reform And Job Creation Strategies

Cultural Heritage Preservation

  • Supports Language Rights And Cultural Heritage Preservation

Public Transportation Policies

  • Decrease Fuel Levy For Exclusive Use In Transport Infrastructure Development. Abolish Road Accident Fund. Compel Motor Vehicle Owners To Have Third-party Insurance. Advocate For The Abolishment Of The E-toll System In Gauteng.