
African National Congress (ANC) Manifesto

ANC 2024 Elections Manifesto - 2024

Historical Performance

Historical achievements and challenges over the past 30 years, including progress in democracy, social services, and economic transformation

Social Security
Foreign Policy

Key Points

  • Six Priorities Including Job Creation
  • Economic Inclusion
  • Addressing High Living Costs
  • Investing In People
  • Defending Democracy
  • And Enhancing Global Cooperation

Land Reform Policies

  • Accelerate Land Reform And Redistribution
  • Ensure Security Of Tenure
  • Improve Food Security

Implementation Policies

  • Detailed Action Plans For Each Priority Area
  • Including Initiatives
  • Goals
  • And Mechanisms For Implementation

BEE Policy Position

  • The Manifesto Emphasizes Broad Economic Transformation And Inclusion Strategies Aimed At Improving The Participation Of Historically Marginalized Groups In The Economy. While It Outlines Various Initiatives To Support Small Enterprises
  • Entrepreneurs
  • And Cooperatives
  • And Promote Employment Equity For Black South Africans
  • Women
  • And Persons With Disabilities
  • A Distinct Bee Policy Position As Such Is Not Explicitly Detailed. The Focus Is On Ensuring Representation And Participation Across Various Sectors Through Supportive Measures And Policies.

Crime Safety Initiatives

  • Comprehensive Crime Prevention Strategy
  • Specialized Police Units For Priority Crimes
  • Strengthen Justice System

Education Reform Strategies

  • Improve Access And Quality Of Education
  • Expand Vocational And Technical Training
  • Implement National Health Insurance

Healthcare Policy

  • Invest In Infrastructure
  • Particularly In Energy
  • Water
  • And Transport
  • To Support Economic Growth And Improve Living Standards

Infrastructure Development

  • Invest In Infrastructure
  • Particularly In Energy
  • Water
  • And Transport
  • To Support Economic Growth And Improve Living Standards

Regional Focus

  • The Anc Manifesto Emphasizes A Comprehensive Approach To Regional Development
  • Including Accelerating Land Reform For Rural And Urban Development
  • Investing In Infrastructure To Support Regional Economies
  • And Promoting The Development Of Small Harbours And Alternative Livelihoods. It Also Highlights The Importance Of Expanding The Digital Sector And Creative Industries In Townships And Rural Areas
  • Alongside Implementing Industrial And Sectoral Master Plans To Foster Regional Industrial Growth. These Initiatives Aim To Ensure Balanced Regional Development And Address Inequalities.

Energy Policy

  • End Load Shedding
  • Promote Renewable Energy
  • And Ensure Energy Security

Environmental Stances

  • Prioritize Green Technologies
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • And Sustainable Development

Foreign Policy Views

  • Strengthen Africas Unity And Development
  • Promote Peace And Security
  • Enhance International Cooperation

Social Welfare Programs

  • Expand Social Security
  • Introduce Measures To Reduce Living Costs
  • Implement A Basic Income Support Grant

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • Create Job Opportunities
  • Improve Education And Skills Development
  • Address Substance Abuse

Cultural Heritage Preservation

  • Promote Cultural Heritage
  • Languages
  • Arts
  • And Protect National Sovereignty

Public Transportation Policies

  • Invest In Public Transportation
  • Modernize Infrastructure
  • And Ensure Efficient And Safe Commuter Services

2019 Manifesto Review - 2019

Historical Performance

Achievements since 1994 in various sectors

Public Safety
Social Cohesion

Key Points

  • Economic Transformation For Job Creation
  • Expansion Of Social Services
  • Initiatives To Combat Corruption
  • Enhancements In Public Safety
  • Infrastructural Development
  • Policies For National Unity And Social Cohesion.

Land Reform Policies

  • New Expropriation Bill
  • Efforts To Redistribute Land

BEE Policy Position

  • Broadening Economic Empowerment
  • Increasing Black Ownership In Various Sectors

Education Reform Strategies

  • Expansion Of Education
  • Improvements In Infrastructure
  • Support For Early Childhood Education

Healthcare Policy

  • Expansion Of Public Healthcare Facilities
  • Maintaining The Largest Hiv Treatment Program

Infrastructure Development

  • Development In Energy Sector
  • New Gas And Oil Explorations
  • Improvement In Mining Safety

Energy Policy

  • Developments In The Mining Sector
  • Investments In Renewable Energy

Environmental Stances

  • Climate Change And Sustainable Development

Social Welfare Programs

  • Expansion Of Social Security And Grants
  • Emphasis On Poverty Alleviation

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • Job Creation And Educational Opportunities For Youth