
Al Jama-Ah (ALJAMA) Manifesto

Al Jama-ah Manifesto 2024 - 2024

Historical Performance

Social Justice
Good Governance
Service Delivery

Key Points

  • Social Justice
  • Good Governance
  • Anti-corruption
  • Transformation
  • Ubuntu
  • Democratic Empowerment
  • Community Empowerment
  • Service Delivery
  • Poverty And Job Creation
  • Housing And Infrastructure
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Safety
  • And Security

Land Reform Policies

  • Providing Dignified Housing
  • Addressing Landlessness

Crime Safety Initiatives

  • Enhancing Safety And Security
  • Counter Gender-based Violence

Healthcare Policy

  • Primary Healthcare For All

Infrastructure Development

  • Improving Infrastructure And Addressing Apartheid-era Inequalities

Social Welfare Programs

  • Eradicating Poverty
  • Creating Sustainable Employment

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • Empowering Youth Through Job Creation And Skills Development