
ActionSA (ACTIONSA) Manifesto

ActionSA 2024 National Election Manifesto - 2024

Historical Performance

Economic Policies
Safety And Security
Environmental Policies
Land Reform
Foreign Policy
Social Welfare
Youth Empowerment

Key Points

  • Economic Growth
  • Job Creation
  • Crime Prevention
  • Healthcare Improvement
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Education Reform
  • Energy Crisis Resolution
  • Land Reform
  • Bee Policy Reformation.

Land Reform Policies

  • Transfer Unused Arable Land Owned By The State To Emerging Farmers With An Option To Buy After Five Years.

Implementation Policies

  • Efficient Service Delivery And Professional Public Service
  • Focusing On Reforming State Institutions For Better Functionality.

BEE Policy Position

  • Replace Compliance Costs Of Existing Legislation With An Opportunity Fund Levy; Introduce Inclusive Economic Empowerment Act.

Crime Safety Initiatives

  • Expand Police Service
  • Establish Specialized Crime Units
  • Increase Npa Budget.

Education Reform Strategies

  • Reform Education With A Focus On Numeracy
  • Literacy
  • And Curriculum Alignment With Global Trends; Introduce Vocational Education Stream.

Healthcare Policy

  • Increasing Expenditure On Frontline Healthcare Services
  • Appointing More Medical Professionals
  • And Ensuring Dignified Patient Care.

Infrastructure Development

  • Invest In Economic Infrastructure
  • Develop Transport And Telecommunications Infrastructure
  • Support Small Business Development.

Regional Focus

  • Promoting Regional Supply Chains
  • Investing In Rural Infrastructure
  • And Increasing Rural Tourism.

Energy Policy

  • End Load Shedding By Establishing A Competitive Energy Market
  • Invest In Renewable Energy Sources
  • And Dismantle Eskom’s Monopoly.

Environmental Stances

  • Gradual Transition To Renewable Energy Sources
  • Protect Critical Services From Load Shedding.

Foreign Policy Views

  • Reforming Immigration Policies
  • Improving Border Security
  • And Enhancing International Trade.

Social Welfare Programs

  • Introduce Universal Basic Income Stimulus
  • Maintain And Increase Social Grants
  • Implement The Opportunity Fund.

Youth Empowerment Initiatives

  • Expand Tertiary Education Access
  • Introduce A Voluntary Year Of Service For Youth
  • Invest In Youth Skills Development.

Public Transportation Policies

  • Upgrading High-volume Rail Networks And Roads
  • Integrating Rural Roads With Rail Networks For Better Goods Transport.